TorontoNAJC March Update
2019 TorontoNAJC Board Members
The 2019 Officers were selected at the first Board meeting on February 18th at Momiji Centre; President – Lynn Deutscher Kobayashi, Vice President – Kim Uyede-Kai, Treasurer – Randy Sakauye, Secretary – Ron Shimizu and Membership Coordinator – Janet Sakauye. Remaining Board members are Mika Fukuma, Michelle Walters, Yosh Inouye and Tokuji Suyama.
President’s Message
Dear friends,
The Toronto NAJC marked the Anniversaries of the Internment and Redress with two sold-out events; a luncheon for Nisei internment survivors (300 guests) and a Redress Anniversary Gala (260 guests).
When I volunteered for the luncheon, I had no inkling that in just over a year, I would be President of the Toronto Chapter. I joined the Board in 2018 thanks to the kind and friendly encouragement of outgoing President Bruce Tatemichi. Initially, I felt too busy to commit due to my role as team lead for Hope in Motion a Syrian sponsorship group – but a seed was planted. I went on to join the Board and Chair the Redress Gala. The success of the Redress Gala rested on the shoulders of a very capable multi-generational gala committee, and this exceptional experience inspired a desire in all of us, to do more.
The past year has been whirlwind of friendship and camaraderie, rich with relationships and connection to the Japanese Canadian community. I feel fortunate to have been warmly welcomed and appreciate that some of that was due to the friendships formed my parents, Bill and Addie Kobayashi through their involvement with the NAJC over many decades. My father was the President of the Toronto Chapter during the years of the Redress Campaign. As the eldest of their six children, I hope to ensure that their 16 grandchildren will know their family and community heritage.
I have worked and volunteered for a wide spectrum of non-profits large and small, including a refugee shelter, social service agencies and international development, and I am committed to equity and social justice. In 2017 I took part in the Women’s March on Washington to protest the Muslim ban. A few years ago, my husband and I traveled to Ethiopia to see in person the impact of funds raised from a gala we founded and chaired for five years.
In addition, I hope that my background and experience with digital media and communications, event-planning, volunteer management and database oversight are hard skills that will benefit the chapter.
We are still accepting Board member applications for 2019. As we are increasing the number of events we hold and are working to enhance our communications capacity – individuals with an ability to meet deadlines and comfortable with digital media and communications, event planning experience as well as writers, would be a definite asset to helping us turn “good intentions into results”. Any questions or a letter outlining your interest in a Board position can be sent to
Lynn Deutscher Kobayashi, Toronto NAJC President
The Toronto NAJC is monitoring this issue. A section of our website will be dedicated to the steps being taken to negotiate with the BC government and consult with the JC community outside BC. Over 60% of JC’s affected by the Internment and Displacement now live outside BC.
FREEDOM DAY – A 70TH ANNIVERSARY – On April 1st, 2019 we will commemorate the day that Japanese-Canadians were enfranchised and given the right to live anywhere in Canada. “It’s no joke we could not vote until April 1, 1949”. The event will be held on Monday April 1st – 7 PM at Ryerson University – Ted Rogers Centre (Cara Commons, 7th Floor). The program has not been finalized but will include speakers on the enfranchisement of JCs and Indigenous peoples, videos, updates on the Landscapes of Injustice project and time to mingle – reception style – before and after the formal program. Refreshments will include desserts, cheeses and beverages. Cash Bar for wine and beer. We hope this is the beginning of an annual celebration and strongly encourage you to be part of this inaugural event!
ORDER TICKETS ONLINE There are a limited number of tickets, so don’t delay. Toronto NAJC members $5.00 Non-members $10.00 Free for JC’s born before April 1, 1949.
Prize: Choice of a $100 Gift Certificate to the Nikkei Museum’s online store or $150 Gift Certificate for a Japanese Paper Place Workshop Deadline: April 30, 2019 The Challenge: Create a new acronym for Tashme. Format is flexible e.g. First two letters, all letters or a combo. Enter Online:
BACKGROUND – Acronym: A pronounceable word formed from the first letter (or first few letters) of each word in a phrase or title. In Obasan Joy Kogawa wrote, “Tashme – formed from the names of Taylor, Shirras, and Mead, men on the B.C. Security Commission.” Characters in Julie Tamiko Manning and Matt Miwa’s The Tashme Project mention that at one time they had thought Tashme to be a Japanese name unaware that it was the first two letters of the last names of Austin TAylor, John SHirras, Frederick J. MEad – the heads of the The British Columbia Security Commission.
The Toronto NAJC is focused on supporting community renewal and human rights concerns. Our membership and fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31. Your membership and donations assist us in achieving these goals and support the Bulletin. Additional emails or mailouts from our membership list occur during the year for our members. The labels will indicate if your membership is out of date.
Please encourage family members to join us and read the Bulletin. The Bulletin is produced by the Vancouver JCCA and includes articles of national and JC community, history and cultural interest. For members who want only an emailed PDF publication or no publication, a new lower $20 membership is offered.
Thank you to our life time members, the 43 members who included donations with their renewals and those who have paid their 2019 membership. We would love to have a 100% renewal rates by the end of March. It is much appreciated!
If you have yet to renew or join, you can mail the TorontoNAJC Membership Form, along with your cheque, payable to THE GREATER TORONTO CHAPTER – NAJC. Mail to: TorontoNAJC, Front Desk, 6 Garamond Court, Toronto, ON, M3C 1Z5. Drop Off: Reception Desk of the JCCC or at Reception Office of Momiji Centre.
* Bulletin delivery will cease if membership is not renewed.
The Toronto NAJC sponsored free tickets for those interned at Tashme for the February 3rd, matinee performance. Our reception guest list filled up quickly with multi-generations of families of Tashme internees which included Kerri Sakamoto, 2018 winner of the Japan-Canada Literary award for her novel, Floating City. All board members were present to thank Julie Tamiko Manning and Matt Miwa for their well-crafted production and performance. For those unable to get into the reception, green tea and a celebratory cake were served in the foyer.
REDEFINING HOME – A Story of Japanese Canadian Resettlement in Toronto
CAMPBELL HOUSE 160 Queen St. West, Toronto (corner University)
Friday, March 1 to Monday, April 1, 2019
Using archival materials, family photographs, and historical objects – assembled for display in the very house where Harold and Hana Kawasoe lived from 1948 to 1951, this exhibit invites visitors to engage with the Kawasoe’s story to examine the resettlement of Japanese Canadian families in Toronto and how systemic racism and internment affected the new lives and identities of Japanese Canadians in Toronto.