TorontoNAJC – April Update

April 18, 2018

The Greater Toronto Chapter of the NAJC congratulates Midi Onodera on receiving the prestigious Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts. In addition to this recognition Midi is awarded $25,000 from the Canada Council. Midi is a member of the Japanese-Canadian Artists Directory.

Midi Onodera’s body of work as a moving-image artist, filmmaker and media consultant, spans over three decades. She began to receive acclaim for her work in the mid-eighties, a time when gender equity and diversity was far from the norm.

Her persistence and success in the world of film and media speaks powerfully to the depth of her engagement in her craft. She remains exceptionally relevant in the fast-paced landscape of moving images.

Says Midi on her website  “Since October 2017 I have been chatting with FauxMidi, my AI (Artificial Intelligence) friend and together we will be making videos to document our growing relationship.”

She also spent eight days embedded with the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan as part of a Department of Defence, War Artist programme. Despite mentioning in her application that as third-generation Japanese-Canadian she “was not the most ideal candidate for the program” as her “impression of the Canadian Forces has been filtered though my family’s wartime experiences of being interned in British Columbia during World War II.”, she was selected to participate.

Daring, bold and relevant. We applaud and appreciate you Midi.  Follow Midi on Twitter @midiono or Instagram @midi_onodera

SAVE-THE-DATEThursday, November 8, 2018

You won’t want to miss this!

The Toronto NAJC is hosting a Gala Reception to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Redress – one of the most successful civil rights campaigns in Canadian history. This celebration will be a take place in a world-class urban venue, LUMA in the TIFF Bell Lightbox.
Our strategy is to eschew a sit-down dinner format for a reception-style evening with great music and a relaxed ambience to facilitate multi-generational mingling and lively conversation.

The jazz trio of John Ebata, Waleed Abdulhamid and a First Nations musician will enliven and enhance the evening – but not distract from the buzz generated by our speakers and special guests. The event name will be published in time for the May edition of the Bulletin. Tickets will be available for purchase online on May 1st. For advance ticket information contact: Lynn Kobayashi

Confirmed Speakers: Art Miki and Judge Maryka Omatsu

Confirmed Special Guests to-date: Shin Imai, Bryce Kanbara, Bill Kobayashi, Joy Kogawa, Frank Moritsugu and Mark Sakamoto.

TorontoNAJC at Haru Matsuri – Bruce Tatemichi, Janet and Randy Sakauye, Lynn Kobayashi and Ron Shimizu of the Board of Directors staffed a TorontoNAJC information booth at the Haru Matsuri held at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre on March 3 and 4   A selection of photos of the Internment camps from the chapter’s photo exhibit attracted people to stop and chat.  For amusement,  Bruce Tatemichi challenged bystanders to race him in picking up dry azuki beans with chopsticks in 15 seconds.   For the hockey fans, Randy Sakauye challenged folks to a game of table top hockey.   The directors used the opportunity to chat with folks about the NAJC and its activities.

Chapter Website Review – At its March meeting, the Board decided to undertake an upgrading of the chapter’s website.  Board members felt that the current website needed to be brought up to date with added features to better service chapter members and visitors to the site with additional features such as the capability to issue new memberships and renew memberships; post video clips of chapter sponsored events and have links to specific relevant items to the JC community that are online.  The board is consulting with its webmaster and requested a proposal for consideration at its April board meeting.

Reminder-2018 Membership    We are asking our members to please renew your membership in the Greater Toronto Chapter of the NAJC.  The chapter needs your support to continue to serve the Japanese Canadian Community in the GTA.  Please fill in the 2018 membership form below and along with your payment cheque made out the Greater Toronto Chapter – NAJC and mail it to TorontoNAJC, 6 Garamond Court, Toronto, ON, M3C 1Z5.  We thank members who have already renewed their membership for 2018 and welcome new members who have joined the chapter. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Toronto NAJC 2018 Membership form

Download form here: TorontoNAJC Membership Form 2018