Ann Sunahara on Japanese Canadians and the Law
Read Ann Sunahara’s 20th anniversary of redress speech
Observe UN Human Rights Day, December 10 with The Next Generation Youth Council. You are invited to a dynamic online conversation celebrating the values of justice, and community building that have shaped the Japanese Canadian experience.
Ann Gomer Sunahara, lawyer and author of the seminal work, The Politics of Racism will reflect on Japanese Canadian history and the law. She will be introduced by the Honourable Maryka Omatsu, former justice and the first female Canadian judge of East-Asian descent.
A quiz on Japanese Canadian history will be held, with many of the answers drawn from The Politics of Racism, available to read online here:
Next Generation – Youth Council members, Hana Hasegawa and Mari Galloway, a litigator will serve as MCs and moderators for the question period. Mari will also share insights into the
importance of legal support for the ongoing initiative to preserve the original Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre at 123 Wynford Drive.
Due to the healthy response, the event will be conducted webinar style in order to minimize distractions from our key note speaker. The webinar will be open at 6:55 PM with a pre-event video.
We gratefully acknowledge support from the Japanese Canadian Legacies Society in holding this and other events held in 2024. Stay tuned for additional event details!
Hope to *see* you on Tuesday, December 10th!