Photos from the 75th Anniversary Human Rights Symposium
November 10, 2022
Alex Okuda-Rafuse, chair, JC Young Leaders Committee (JCYL) and Rani Kobayashi, JCYL symposium representative (Mika Fukuma)
Kristen Kiyomi Perry, symposium HRC co-chair (Mika Fukuma)
Roy Miya, 97 year old survivor and jazz pianist with Bruce Tatemichi, former TO NAJC president entertained us as the jazz band, Lake Effect (Mika Fukuma)
Camille Bellair performed at selection of classical music at the pre-dinner reception. (Wendy Matsubuchi)
Former mayor of Mississauga, Hazel McCallion offered words of support for the historic injustices to JCs and spoke of her ongoing relationship with Japan. Setsuko Thurlow in the background. (Yosh Inouye)
Dr. Pam Sugiman, Dean of Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University speaking at the survivor/75th anniversary dinner. (Yosh Inouye)
Kerri Sakamoto, author, Kimi Yano, and artist/curator Bryce Kanbara. (Mika Fukuma)
New friends, Lynn Deutscher Kobayashi and Ruth Takemura (Wendy Matsubuchi)
Montreal strong. Sara Breitkrutz, Kristen Kiyomi Perry, Julie Tamiko Manning and Don Watanabe of the recently revived QC chapter of the NAJC. (Izumi Sakamoto)
Amira Elghawaby of the CRRF, Kim Uyede-Kai, TO NAJC VP and Hayden King, ED Yellowhead Institute at the Building Solidarities panel discussion at the ROM. (Richard C. Choe)
Super volunteer Jan Uchida and TO board member Suzanne Hartmann.
Kristen Kiyomi Perry, symposium co-chair and her mother Fern Fukumoto, super-volunteer (Yosh Inouye)
New NAJC president Les Kojima with super volunteer Derek Sakauye and Steven Deutscher- Kobayashi (Lynn Deutscher Kobayashi)
Toronto volunteers Max Visentin and Naya Kobayashi (Mika Fukum)