New Video of the November 2017 Special Luncheon
New Video of the Special Luncheon Honouring Japanese Canadians on the 75th anniversary of their Displacement and Internment in Canada at Momiji Centre.
TorontoNAJC is pleased to announce the launch of a video of the Chapter’s November 2017 Special Luncheon Honouring Japanese Canadians on the 75th Anniversary of their Internment and Displacement in Canada in years 1942-46. The Luncheon was attended by over 300 former internees and their relatives who viewed a historic photo exhibit of themselves in the various internment and road camps in which they were unjustly and forcibly placed for the duration of the Second World War. It was a bitter-sweet occasion as they recalled the harshness of life in the camps as well as the strong friendships made in those days and the joy of greeting old friends and acquaintances over a pleasant luncheon in the comfort of Momiji Centre. Included in the video are highlights of the entertainment program offered at the event. TorontoNAJC thanks our fellow board member Yosh Inouye who filmed the event and produced this wonderful video record of this event. The video may be viewed by clicking on the link below.