The Town Hall will now take place on Tuesday, October 6th from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. (previous date, September 17th)
You are invited to join the Japanese Canadian community for a chat with Mayor John Tory hosted by the Toronto NAJC. He will address questions and concerns raised by organizations and individuals who have contributed to the impressive accomplishments of Japanese Canadians in Toronto. These include the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, Momiji Healthcare Society, the Toronto NAJC, Setsuko Thurlow, and the friends of the Temple Bell at Ontario Place. REGISTER HERE or click on the Town Hall poster below to register for the Thursday, September 17th event.
In 1941 there were only 243 Japanese Canadians in Toronto. Due to the forced dislocation in 1951 there were more Japanese Canadians in Ontario than in British Columbia. In 2016 there were over 28,000 Japanese Canadians in Toronto.