Ann Sunahara on Japanese Canadians and the Law

REGISTRATIONRead Ann Sunahara's 20th anniversary of redress speechObserve UN Human Rights Day, December 10 with The Next Generation Youth Council. You are invited to a dynamic online conversation celebrating the values of justice,...

December 6, 2024 Ann Sunahara ,Japanese Canadian Internment ,The Politics of Racism ,

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Open letter to Japanese Canadians and their Allies in Canada to support Indian Residential School Survivors

Open letter to Japanese Canadians and their Allies in Canada to support Indian Residential School Survivors

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July 1, 2021   This letter is endorsed by the Greater Toronto Chapter of the National Association of Japanese Canadians , Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens Association, Hamilton Chapter of the NAJC, Japanese...

“Challenging Racist B.C. – 150 Years & Counting”

“Challenging Racist B.C. – 150 Years & Counting”

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Hello Friends, Please join the Toronto NAJC and our friends from the OJCA-OJCC Ottawa for an evening of information and intergenerational discussion.    To promote engagement the event will have a limited capacity. REGISTER NOW! AGENDAINTRO & WELCOME Presidents Melisa...

Powerful Anti-Racism Video on Micro-Aggression

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Mayor Tory Proclaims April 1st, Japanese Canadian Freedom Day

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