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TorontoNAJC November Update
TorontoNAJC and the play “the Japanese Problem” TorontoNAJC along with partners at the University of Toronto was able to extend the Toronto run of the play “the Japanese Problem” for four performances over...
TorontoNAJC October Update
Japanese Canadian Heritage Markers Unveiled in Chatham-Kent The commemoration event of the interpretive signage and a tree planting ceremony of sakura trees took place at Mitchell’s Bay in Chatham-Kent, in Southwestern Ontario on...
30 Years Ago Today
REMEMBER - REFLECT - CARRY ON * * * DON'T BE LATE TO CELEBRATE THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF REDRESS - Due to the success of our Early Bird campaign, a limited number of...
TorontoNAJC Update – September 2018
Hiroshima-Nagaski Day August 6th Toronto City Hall On August 6, 2018 at City Hall in Toronto, the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day Coalition held its annual commemoration of the atomic bombing of those two cities in WW2. ...
CBC Coverage of Chatham – Kent JC Heritage Markers
CEREMONIAL UNVEILING JAPANESE CANADIAN HERITAGE SIGNS - On September 7, 2018 at 11:00 pm a ceremonial unveiling of heritage signs and the planting of Yoshino cherry trees will be held at Mitchell’s Bay Park (Main...
TorontoNAJC Update – August 2018
TorontoNAJC at Natsu Matsuri TorontoNAJC took a table at the JCCC’s Natsu Matsuri and Obon on Saturday July 14 and set up a Chapter information booth. Members of the Board of Directors –...