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Universal Declaration of Human Rights – 75th Anniversary
THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS & JAPANESE CANADIANS Today, December 10, 2023, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is 75 years young (United Nations, 2023). Spiritual leaders, political theorists, and philosophers from...
Nov 5, Tribute Game & Marketplace updates
Join us in using the power of play to build community.and check out our marketplace. This final schedule reflects our hope to have something for everyone. 12:30-1:30 Registration | marketplace1:00-1:45 ...
A Call to Leadership: History of the NAJC
On the final day of Asian Heritage Month, we celebrate the founding of the National Association of Japanese Canadians (formerly the NJCCA) and its founding president, Roger Obata CM.
Misogyny & Anti-Black Racism in Sport and Sport Media
Black, Japanese, and More Than the Sum of Our Parts: Misogynoir in Women’s Sport Media We are pleased to participate as a co-sponsor. February 1, 2023 |4:00-5:30 PM Room 208N, Munk School, University of...
Video of Sunset event at the Japanese Canadian Centennial Temple Bell
Highlights of the evening were captured on video by Toronto NAJC Board member Yosh Inouye. Click on the image below to watch.
New Years Eve at the Temple Bell
https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/new-years-eve-sunset-event-at-the-japanese-canadian-centennial-temple-bell-tickets-484271999587 The Toronto NAJC is convening a sunset gathering at the Japanese Canadian Centennial Temple Bell at Ontario Place. It may be the final opportunity to ring the Temple Bell at its location...